Secpro Business Consultant LLP
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Business in IndiaCompany Law

Director Identification Number (DIN)


What is DIN:-

DIN full form is Director Identification Number, this number contains 8 Numerical digits. Every individual, who wishes to become a Director in a company, shall have DIN. 

How to apply for DIN:-

Every individual intending to be appointed as director in an existing company shall make an application for allotment of Director Identification Number to the Central Government in the Web based form DIR-3 allotment of director identification no. with Fees of Rs.500 per form.

Documents/Information required:-

Indian Citizen

Foreign Citizen

1.     Photograph in jpeg. form

1. Photograph in jpeg.form

2.    Whether Resident in India: Yes / NO

2. Nationality

3.    Occupation Type: (Choose anyone)

a.    Self -Employed

b.    Professional

c.    Homemaker

d.    Student

e.    Serviceman

3.Occupation Type: (Choose anyone)

     a. Self -Employed

     b. Professional

     c. Homemaker

     d. Student

     e. Serviceman

4.    Educational Qualification

4.Educational Qualification

5.    Self- Attested Pan card

5.Address Proof duly apostilled

6.    Self -Attested Aadhaar card

6. Passport duly apostilled

7.    Self -Attested Voter ID card, Passport, Driving License ( anyone) if aadhar card not available

7.Mobile number

8.    Mobile number

8.Email ID

9.    Email ID

9.Digital Signature of Applicant

10. Digital Signature of Applicant

10.Board Resolution proposing his appointment in an existing company as director

11. Board Resolution proposing his appointment in an existing company as director


The Form DIR-3 must be digital signed by the applicant and by the company secretary in full time employment of the company or by the managing director or director or CEO or CFO of the company in which the applicant is intended to be appointed as director in an existing company.

In case the name of an applicant does not have a last name, then his or her father’s or grandfather’s surname shall be mentioned in the last name along with the declaration in Form No. DIR-3A.

Note:- In case of person of foreign national it is mandatory to attach duly apostilled passport.

Note:- In case of person of Indian national it is mandatory to attach self-attested copy of PAN.



CS Aarti Kumari


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